Nobody Cares About Your Health (Rant)

Today’s episode is a little different from our usual show. In fact, it wasn’t even supposed to be a show. When issues come up that are negatively affecting the American people, Dr. Sal, like the rest of us, sometimes just needs to rant.

This episode is a candid and passionate rant from Dr. Sal that talks about the consequences of disregarding nature’s intentions and the pursuit of profit at the expense of our well-being. As always, we encourage you to embrace God’s path and make informed choices that prioritize your health.

“Sometimes you have to replace half the government and put some decent, respectable people in there and say, listen. We’ve gotta do things what’s right for the people, not because the FDA makes $15 billion a month for the government.” Dr. Sal

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Dr. Sal [00:00:00]:

They're never gonna stop the sale of cigarettes. They're not gonna stop selling pizzas and burgers and all. Do you only thing that we can do is follow god's path and say, no. I'm not going that route. No. I'm not going there. You know what I mean? Welcome to the health quest podcast, your guide to god's will for your health. Usually, in our podcast, we have certain subject matters that we discuss and we talk about.

Dr. Sal [00:00:41]:

But sometimes, certain things happen here at the studio where we kinda do things where I start to get on a roll and I start ranting and talking about issues that affect the American people, mostly from a health, you know, standpoint is, which is really more of my concern as a physician. So What we've done is, you know, here I am ranting and not even thinking about it, but my crew will take this and actually record it. And so what you're about to see is one of those times where I just kinda went on a roll and started talking, and my production manager decided to turn it into a podcast. So I hope you enjoy this podcast This is just off the cuff, straight, doctor Sal, going off and just talking straight from his heart. And from his will too as well. So enjoy the program, and have a great day and god bless. Because I wanna talk about, the hormone changes that take place when you get obese. And, you know, so what's happening here is as we talk about genetics, but we're actually modifying our genetics by the foods that we eat, which then make us obese.

Dr. Sal [00:02:05]:

Then when we get obese, it throws our hormone balance completely off because now we're secreting hormones and some of almost we're not even reacting to anymore. So we're we're literally changing our whole body physiology. Right. You know, And this is why I keep saying is that, you know, this is all man made. I mean, you heard today's podcast. Right, 85,000 chemicals. We didn't have that in 1850. We didn't even have that in 19 100.

Dr. Sal [00:02:36]:

You know? And then when we started realizing that we were putting formaldehyde as a as a proof food preservative and found out that it was using stomach cancer. You know that in 1890, the number one, cancer in America was stomach cancer? And that was from the formaldehyde. We were putting fromaldehyde in stuff like milk and in food, but it was causing cancers. And the government says, okay, we gotta stop this. Now this is before the FDA You know, I mean, we're we're we're messing around with god's world, you know, mother nature, created it to be a certain way. He wanted us to develop scientific techniques to study god in nature and try to helpfully help ourselves and improve the quality of life for man. But like I was telling Zach, when we were coming back from lunch. Somehow, you know, Satan comes in there and starts playing with people and it's all about money and, you know, oh, we can do genetic modified, like, Monsanto's, like, he was saying, you know, if some of the seeds, you know, do you know you cannot even collect the seeds from the fruits and vegetables and reuse them.

Dr. Sal [00:03:47]:

You gotta actually discard them and buy a new batch of seeds for your farm for the fall year. That's how Monsanto keeps this thing going. You know? And so but if those seeds fall into somebody else's property, they find out that, well, those trees are the ones that we created. You didn't buy the rights, so you didn't buy them from us. Now we're gonna sue you and get the money. Come on. This is crazy, man. So it it it becomes a money issue, becomes a power thing.

Dr. Sal [00:04:17]:

It it it's really a shame that way it's going that way, but the only way to avoid it's like, look, you you're never gonna stop the sales of, cigarettes. Smoking or cigarettes. Okay? What I found out is that Philip Morris is 51% owned by the Crown of England. So your tobacco company, the largest tobacco company is actually majority shareholder is the crown, and it used to be the queen, but now it's king Charles. It's owned by the royal family. Never gonna stop the sale of cigarettes. They're not gonna stop selling pizzas and burgers and all. The only thing that we can do is follow god's path and say, no, I'm not going that route.

Dr. Sal [00:05:08]:

No, I'm not going that route. You know what I mean? You're living in this you're living in the city of Gamora, right? And you just can't participate in what these people are doing. And that that's my approach. It's like, look, you just gotta develop the discipline inside with god and say, look. I I can't do that, man, because that's the forbidden fruit, and I'm not gonna mess it up for my garden. Right, Zach? What's that? Doggone right. And, you know, what we were talking about earlier, like, oh, you gotta accept this and you were saying it's hypocritical. It's it's the fabian of approach.

Dr. Sal [00:05:49]:

I mean, our society is breaking down into this stuff that we've seen in the old testament, like you were saying earlier. And somehow, I was talking to my cousin about that. And, you know, I was telling Zack, like, I'm the type of guy. I'll go beat these people up and get rid of him. Okay. Replace it wouldn't I I know it's not the right because it's That's the old way. You gotta be smarter than that. We gotta start putting in politicians that are gonna say, look, guys, we gotta do this the right way.

Dr. Sal [00:06:16]:

You know? And my cousin who used to work for Fekano in Wayne County, I said I said, I said, you know, that guy is corrupt. You know, this is during the Kwameco Patrick thing. Well, Fekano was just as corrupt. And he got away with this stuff. I said, Gina, your work officer, you think that I can go in there with a corruption being that thick that I'm gonna change it. It's gonna take a team. When Kevin Moore stepped into the city of Detroit, right, he was given carte blanche. Nobody could balance him and what he said when.

Dr. Sal [00:06:49]:

And, of course, he was an honest, just man. Did you guys ever you guys ever see Kevin or on TV? I mean, a complete gentleman, complete gentleman, well educated. And he took control of that city, and he said, he started cleaning up and nobody could touch him, you know, but the guy did it the right way. And and what happens and what my belief is is that unless that actually starts happening, the only way it's going to correct itself is if the empire collapses. You know what I mean? It literally falls apart, could another country now become the new world currency reserve could another country now basically control the way we do things in this con you know what I'm saying? They're working on it. And, you know, the whole thing with that is is that I got a friend of the gym. He's sixty six years old and goes to Korea. And he says, these guys, we better wake up because the Chinese are going into South America you know, they already got Africa.

Dr. Sal [00:07:49]:

Now they're just trying to get into South America because like you were saying, bricks are getting Brazil. They they wouldn't to Venezuela when it collapsed and they started taking all their gold, you know, Argentina, I mean, if it falls into their hands, we're, you know, we're talking about a country that's a government that doesn't believe in god. So I you know, like my cousin said, you know, he said, we gotta just get pallet, but it's like, sometimes you to replace the half the government and put some decent, respectable people in there and say, listen. We've gotta do things what's, you know, do things that are right for the people, not because the FDA makes $15,000,000,000 a month for the government, And these guys, you know, what ends up happening, like I said, Peter Hutt, he probably was making a $100,000 working for the FDA. But when he retired from the FDA and became an attorney because he is an attorney and worked for the Covington, law firm and in Washington. Within a year, he became Washington's top 40 attorneys. Why? Because now these pharmaceutical company and chemical companies and farming companies like Monsanto were going up to them and saying, look, can you can you fix all this research for me so that, you know, I I when I submit it to the FDA, it'll be easily, you know, of course, you you submit all this search with a $1,000,000,000 check. It used to be 800,000,000 in 2003 when I used to lecture with them.

Dr. Sal [00:09:21]:

Now it's a $1,000,000,000, for them to process that. So he would go in there and check everything because he was still in with the FDA and knew how he want how they wanted things done. Well, now you could charge 3 hun $3000 an hour. Not 300, 3000 because these companies have the capacity to pay that. I mean, can you imagine working 5 hours a day and making $15,000 a day? You multiply that at the of the week, you'll see that in a couple years, how many millions you're gonna be making, you know, because you were once working for them and now and that's what government officials do. Then they retire from government, they go work for these big corporations for millions. Anyways, they That's that's not that's not what the founding fathers wanted. And as much as they wanted to separate church from state, they believed that because America at that time, and I learned this a long time ago, you know, the only book that most families had in their household was a bible.

Dr. Sal [00:10:25]:

People were much more morally, I would say entuned. And even if you were a owner of a small company, you always felt responsible for your employees. You know, it wasn't until the robber Barrons, like the Carnegie's the JP Morgan, the Rockefeller came in, and they didn't care, man, because they were building industry, and they were making, you know, 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars back then and, you know, turned them into billionaires. And they, you know but we had a way of working things out and some people got hurt, but a lot of, you know, they built this nation one way or another. It's just, ill, just being right and just for everybody. That's all.