How to Detox Your Body Naturally

Weight is something a lot of us struggle with–whether we’re trying to gain it or lose it. A listener wrote in because they were struggling to lose weight and wanted Dr. Sal’s opinion on why.

In this episode, we’re talking about toxins and the impact they have on our health. As humans, we’ve been drastically changing the chemical makeup of the earth and throwing our own bodies out of homeostasis. As we lose our chemical balance, we get into allostasis and, at a cellular level, our body falls into chaos.

It’s time to discover the natural and effective ways to detox your body and achieve the balanced and healthy detoxification system you’ve been longing for.

Key takeaways:

  • Environmental Factors: Our bodies are constantly exposed to a myriad of synthetic chemicals, called endocrine and metabolic disruptors, that are being produced in our modern world. These disruptors can throw our body’s systems out of balance, leading to various diseases and health issues such as neurologic disorders, kidney disorders, respiratory and cardiovascular issues, and even type 2 diabetes.
  • The Food Connection: The quality and composition of the food we consume play a major role in our exposure to toxins. From artificial additives and synthetic hormones to industrial pollutants and pesticides, our diets can contribute to internal pollution. Choosing clean, organic options and being mindful of food additives can go a long way in reducing our toxin exposure and promoting better health.
  • Liver Detoxification: Our liver is a powerhouse when it comes to detoxification, with 75% of the process happening there. Understanding the two phases of liver detoxification (bioactivation and conjugation) and supporting them through a nutrient-rich diet, specific foods like pomegranates and green tea, and detox supplements can help optimize our body’s detoxification system and protect against the harmful effects of toxins.
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Dr. Sal [00:00:00]:

The mattress that you sleep on has chemicals in it to prevent the mattress from burning in a house fire. and those same chemical retardants are in the baby's pajamas.

Dr. Sal [00:00:30]:

Welcome to the Health Quest podcast. Your guide to god's will for good health. Good morning. I'm Doctor Sal, and I've been a surgeon for well over 30 years. And my goal for each episode is that you'll be able to have your mind transformed to god's design for your good health and affect the way that you eat and the way that you live. If you're new here, we release an episode every week. And if you enjoy the content, would you please leave us a good review? It really helps our ratings and it allows us to reach more people, and in turn, we can help more people achieve a better health quest. Thank you for your support, and today's episode,

Dr. Sal [00:01:12]:

we're gonna be talking about detoxifying the body, and this is in reference to a question that somebody asks. So let's dive right into today's health west. What are the questions as stock, I wanna lose weight. Okay. So there's a lot of other people. However, my approach to losing weight in the beginning even gaining weight for that matter

Dr. Sal [00:01:48]:

SSCs and they can affect and disrupt our endocrine or hormonal balances. Notice that it's not something that happened to you or it's not something genetics, but we'll talk about that one day. But how even environmental factors will begin to a fact, how your body processes food. Now somehow

Dr. Sal [00:02:11]:

we as, the human race or man has man to drastically change the chemistry of the environment.

Dr. Sal [00:02:21]:

And to give you some ideas, we have about 85,000

Dr. Sal [00:02:25]:

manmade chem calls that were made here in the United States. And a lot of these chemicals, are endocrine and metabolic disruptors. So they affect our the way our body functions. And this throws our bodies completely out of balance, which when we say our bodies in balance, we the term, in the scientific community called homeostasis, which means everything is in balance and everything is working optimally. Now what happens over time is we throw our bodies out of this balance, especially when you're overweight or you're morbidly obese. And we go into this imbalanced state, and it's called Allostasis. And what that means is that That becomes our new norm. And we say, well, you know, I'm supposed to feel this way. Well, I'm supposed to be this sluggish and you know, my weight is this way and no matter what I eat, you know, and and so we get used to this new norm and we think, okay, everything is fine. But what's happening at the cellular level is completely different. I mean, everything is chaotic. Everything is going haywire. And over time, this is what will lead to all these diseases that we have talked about in the previous podcast, entailing all the neurologic disorders, the kidney disorders, the respiratory cardiovascular, and in particular, the metabolic with all the issues with type 2 diabetes. Now just to give you some statistics and some of these statistics are old,

Dr. Sal [00:03:59]:


Dr. Sal [00:04:00]:

I haven't gotten the most recent ones, but in the year 2000, that's 23 years ago. In the year 2000 alone, £4,000,000,000 of chemicals were released were released into the ground, and that threatens the soil that we grow all our fruits and vegetables in. Okay? And that these chemicals eventually reach, and and go deeper into the ground and reach the natural water tables of which we end up, you know, consuming or drinking that water. What's more, 260,000,000 chemicals were discharged on the surface waters of our lakes and river Now why would they throw chemicals and lakes and rivers? And being here in Michigan where we have the great lakes and we have a lot of rivers and we have, at one point, we had more licensed boats than any other state in the country, including Florida. Well, what ends up happening is as we end docking these boats along these little river paths where we we could harbor them. And, there's vegetation. So instead of going in there and actually physically raking them, we put chemicals that goes into the water that kills this vegetation. And that, you know, we call it seaweeds, but they're not seaweeds. It's just natural vegetation that grows underwater. Well, they get caught in the pro propellers of the boats. And so we try to get rid of them, and we put these chemicals in there that eventually destroys them. Well, those chemicals also affect the natural, wildlife in that area, from, you know, the ducks and the geese to the to the fish that swim in that area. Again, £2,000,000,000 of chemical emissions were pumped into the air that we breathe. So In the year 2000, a total of £6,000,000,000 of chemical pollutants were released into the environment of which we eat, breathe, and live in in just 1 year. So you can imagine over the years how this stuff starts to build up and accumulate. And now to compound the problem, we refined much of the nutritional value of our food, and we replaced it with artificial colors flavories, preservatives, conditioners, additives, and so on. So this poor diet combined with antibiotics and synthetic hormones that we give to these animals predisposes us to an ex, to experience somewhat kind of an internal pollution that we're doing to our bodies. So let me mention some of the chemicals that we're actually exposed to. You know, we have a lot of industries, particularly here in the Midwest. And so we are putting out a lot of industrial and combustion pollutants that are emitted from these, these factories. In the farming industry, there's a lot of pesticides

Dr. Sal [00:07:01]:

from, rodenticides to avianicides, you know, to kill birds that and eat the plants or land on the plants, fungicides. I mean,

Dr. Sal [00:07:12]:

it it it goes on and on and on. And then a lot of the fertilizer that we use are synthetically made. We're not using the manure that we used many many years ago, and we did for centuries. there's a lot of endocrine disruptors. We use these chemicals just in the packaging products, whether they're plastic packaging, some of the boxes, believe it or not, these boxes, they store things in, even pizza boxes have chemicals in them. to to keep the pizza from getting too wet or or, too humid, and also stick into the box itself. and some of these can be endocrine disruptors such as your your phthalates and your PCBs Again, these disrupt the hormonal balance and it also affects metabolic processes, which allows us to utilize, fat as as energy. Another thing that's gonna really get your attention is the chemical flame retardants. Now, folks, the mattress that you sleep on has chemicals in it to prevent the mattress from burning in a house fire. and those same chemical retirements are in the baby's pajamas. Now it's interesting because you think of, you know, oh, so it's gonna protect me if case there's a house fire. Listen, if there's a house fire, that's gonna burn that mattress down to nothing. And if your child is stuck in a house fire, don't expect those pajamas to keep the child from not getting burned or even harmed seriously. The problem is is that in her book, national winners in the metabolic approach to cancer has shown how these chemical retardants flame retardants actually seep through the skin and actually can be identified in the urine. So our bodies are being exposed to this kind of stuff. And is it really necessary because it's not gonna really do very much? Also, we're talking about the heavy metals, such as, Mercury lead arsenic, CAD EMEA. Now those are naturally occurring in the earth and in the soil. However, when we start to industrialize them and use these products, for industrial products, then we start to concentrate them and then we get exposed to it. One of them is like lead, for instance, which has a tendency to sequester bone, and it's got a half life of about of about 62 years. It means if you get any lead in your body, It's gonna take 62 years just to reduce it down to half the level in your body. And what it does as a places the calcium in the bone and has a tendency to damage the DNA. So you cause a mutation in the DNA, which later on lead to, to cancers. Over time, it also depresses the immune system. So it makes you much more susceptible, to in functions. the food additives that we add to the foods now, state of California just came up with a new law stating that there's certain coloring that we put in our food that are now illegal to have in the foods that served or sold in California, which is good because we know that some of these colors actually bind to neurologic tissue and could be causing or attributing to some of these neurologic disorders. So the greatest toxin exposure is what you put in your mouth. Okay? What you eat and we keep talking about this. Remember, when we were talking about the leaky gut, you know, what you put in your mouth, that's that's the greatest, interaction between the external environment and our internal environment. And we always think about our skin, but our skin is really a repellent. It keeps that stuff from penetrating it to our system. But when we eat something, it gets into our system. So, you know, it's it's an amazing thing because god equipped our body with a detoxification system. them. Now, you know, we can go back 2000 years, and this was an interesting experience that I had when I was in Sicily 4 years ago. And we went to the beach and I was swimming in the Mediterranean, and I, you know, I was swimming and I just kinda stopped and I looked outside into my my surroundings and thought, wow, 2000 years ago. You know, the Mediterranean is still to this day. there were a lot of ships that were transporting things all over Europe to the Middle East to North Africa, and people were throwing stuff out of boats, but what were they throwing out? I mean, the cloth, the dead bones from eating the fish, food products. Those are all natural products which are biodegradable and you're throwing it back into the environment. And you said, well, they didn't have factories back then. They didn't have cars that we're putting out emissions. they weren't using chemicals in their farming, but then why do we have this detox vacation system. It's amazing. I keep talking about how god made this magnificent body of ours. Okay. temple that we're supposed to be taken care of. And the reason being is because even back then, we were exposed to talk in such as mercury led, tin, copper, then in excess can do damage to our body. So even then in a natural world, we were still being exposed. It's just unfortunate

Dr. Sal [00:12:49]:

that now we're just overwhelmed with the stuff because of industrialization. Now

Dr. Sal [00:12:56]:

75% of our detoxification is done in the liver, but The other 20 to 25 percent of the detoxification is done by way of the intestinal mucosa wall. Isn't it fascinating we go back the gut. And we'll talk about that, and then we'll get into the liver because the gut really provides the initial physical barrier to xenobiotics. Now the term xenobiotics means anything that's toxic, which is exogenous, which means comes from the environment, although really it's our skin that protects us, but whatever we eat, and that's by our choice, what we put in our mouth, and that is is that it's the first thing that's gonna protect us from trying to absorb these xenobiotics or these toxic cents. So the the the gastrointestinal system or the GI tract has developed a complex to manage these toxins. Okay. 1st of all, we have the detoxification enzymes in the villi. If you remember from our previous podcast, these villiers are like these finger projections, which help to increase the surface area of the intestines, which allows us to help absorb, the food that we eat. In the villi in in the intestinal cells, we produce these enzymes, which help to break down some of these, these toxins. the gut micro flora. Here we go again to the gut microbiome, the bacteria that's in our gut, and we can have good bacteria. We can have bad bacteria. We wanna have higher percentage of good bacteria because they also produce compounds that induce the detoxification system in the liver. The third thing that we have in the intestinal system is called the anti porter activity system. And what that is, it's a pump in the intestinal cells that when, for instance, when you talked about this with the gut, toxins can get absorbed into the cells and then transported into the the systemic circulatory system. Well, the intestinal cells, if they identify it as being a toxin, then it pumps it back into the lumen, of the intestines so that we can expel that through our feces. Okay? So the xenobiotics say come in the cell identifies and says, hey, we gotta get rid of this stuff, pump it out. That's part of the anti porter system. And, sometimes it could be a them, especially if you're taking chemotherapy orally because the chemotherapy is a toxin. And if the intestines say, hey, we we can't absorb this stuff. We say that the cancer might be resistant to the chemotherapy. When in essence, it's just our body trying to protect us from a toxic Again, we go back to, dietary fiber that we get from eating vegetables. Okay. It's very important because especially for excreting these toxins because it binds to these xenobiotics. And by binding to it, it also prevents its absorption. And so, you know, we expel it that way, and that's why it's important to drink a lot of water because it helps move the intestinal system you know, and having those couple movements a day is actually healthy for you because it's expelling a lot of the of the toxins that we're consuming. Now the liver has 2 phases in which it starts to metabolize or break down these toxins. In the 1st phase, it's called bioactivation or phase 1. And what it does is it prepares the toxin. Now, understand one thing. Toxins are fat soluble. Okay. So the toxins are really stored in our fat cells, not our liver. Okay? They're stored in the fat cells. And what it does is it prepares these toxins to be a fat soluble when meaning it dissolves fat into a water soluble substance. Now when it does that, it makes the toxin much more reactive. So we've got these reactive intermediaries, but and and so it it, you know, eventually go into the 2nd phase, but there's a set of enzymes that are specific for this phase and they're called the cytochrome enzymes. And what ends up happening is is that they they oxidize these, these toxins makes it a much more reactive, intermediary or reactive species, and then it goes into phase 2, which is called conjugation. And that takes that reactive intermediate and makes it more water soluble to be excreted through the lungs, the kidneys, through the sweat glands and also through the biliary tract. And that also uses a number of enzymes to to bring about these reactions But both phases have to be in balance. Okay? If phase 1 works more than phase 2 or phase 2 is slower than phase 1, or even shuts down, then we get a buildup of these reactive intermediaries or reactive toxins. Okay? So some substances, upgrade phase 1 without upgrading phase 2, like cigarette smoking, char broiled meat. So that's why we fear fear grilling guys, don't burn that meat. Do it real slow. Always cook your food in in low temperatures, and it'll warm up and actually maintain more heat without it getting burned or charred. Medications such as anti and, epileptics. epileptic medications like phenobarbital have taken over a prolonged period of time, It what it does is it it, increases the phase 1 without increasing phase 2 and we get a buildup of these taxes. So what you wanna do is you wanna consume products that activate both phases and that's those are usually called your bifunctional foods or supplements. Again, fruits and vegetables, baby, with their flavonoids, they induce both phases and they get rid of those, reactive intermediates. and that's why they protect us from cancers. So you're that's why eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, which contain these flavonoids, they really build up too. So even if a phase 1 is lagging behind, any of the intermediaries, that we're producing or getting expel much quicker. there are things and those are called your, inducers. Your inhibitors which slows down these phases in the liver, are like your H2 blockers like taggament, okay, your antacids. Now starting to show the some anti acids are actually causing cancer. It may not be doing it directly, but indirectly, it's not allowing the liver to get rid of those toxins or metabolize them, they build up, and that's what ends up causing, the cancers. Various antibiotics taken over prolonged period time can eventually shut down the liver and build up these toxins. Selective serotonin inhibitors your antidepressants also shuts down the livers detoxification system. So what we need to do is we need to have a balance or healthy detoxification or liver by eating bifunctional fruits such as your fruits and vegetables, fiber, very important, sulfates, which comes in a form of an acetyl cysteine, which is a vitamin you could take over owner methylation support, which comes from, your B Twelve, vitamin B Twelve, your folate, methionine, that's, an amino acid that we get in the egg yolk is what what as well as choline, which comes from the egg yolks. Everybody thinks, oh, don't eat the yolk because of the cholesterol. That's not what's gonna kill you. It's the carbs that we're eating, the bad carbs. Alagic acid, which is found in your pomegranates, all your berries, your strawberries, your blueberries, your blackberries, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, green tea. Milk thistle is another supplement that you can take which helps get the liver to, improve or induce both phase 1 or phase 2. Artichokes your glucosinolates, which comes from your broccoli sprouts. so those are the foods that we can eat. I usually put my patients on a product called Detoxet check, which I have them order through the internet. It's it's a supplement that you could do for a couple of days to detox your body. You'd you'd need to rest for a couple days at home. because it's gonna pull all the toxins out. You're gonna feel miserable when you're doing it. But on day 3, you feel fantastic. a lot of my cancer patients, I've had them on it for 6 weeks, continuously trying to pull those toxins out of the body, improve the metabolism, with the intention of improving the immune system to get that cancer into control. excessively prolonged fasting sometimes is not a good thing only because of the fact that you do need supplements to keep those toxins, metabolized by the liver. So fasting is good that the intermittent fasting program, is a fantastic way to lose weight. it also helps to get rid of some of the dead cells or sent us in cells

Dr. Sal [00:22:29]:

which also causes inflammation.

Dr. Sal [00:22:32]:

But you don't go too long where now your liver starts to shut down. So thank you for watching our show today. If enjoyed our episode, please leave us a good review. And in order for you to get some of the resources to the research that we use, what we talk about, supports. A lot of the things that I'm saying, visit our website or our show notes, which you could see the list of the scientific articles that we use for that. Thank you for joining us. I'm doctor Sal. Have a wonderful day, and god bless.