Why People Aren’t Healthy (Part 1)

What does it take to change our ways?

On today’s episode of the Health Quest podcast, Dr. Sal dives into the key factors that can truly transform your health and well-being. He discusses the importance of dietary choices, exercise, and the impact of our environment on our overall health.

Dr. Sal shares insightful stories, including meeting an inspiring 87-year-old gentleman who maintains exceptional health through his lifestyle choices. He sheds light on the critical role of diet, emphasizing the significance of consuming whole and organic foods while limiting exposure to harmful chemicals and preservatives.

We’re also discussing the New Year’s resolution trend and why many people struggle to sustain their health goals. Dr. Sal offers practical advice and emphasizes the power of discipline in making conscious and beneficial choices for our bodies.

Key takeaways:

1. Diet plays a crucial role in good health. The majority of one’s health, 85%, is determined by what is consumed, while only 15% is attributed to exercise.

2. The aging and health of individuals like Harry, an 87-year-old who maintains robust health through consuming organic whole foods and regular exercise, illustrate the impact of diet and lifestyle choices on health.

3. The harmful effects of consuming chemically treated and processed foods, with an emphasis on the importance of consuming organic, whole foods as intended by natural processes and God’s design.

4. The comparison between individuals like Harry, who prioritize a healthy diet and exercise, and others reliant on medications highlights the crucial role of discipline in making dietary choices for a healthy lifestyle

5. God’s design for good health implies making rational and disciplined dietary choices rather than allowing impulse and desire to dictate, attributing discipline to God’s power in promoting better health and well-being.

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Dr. Sal [00:00:00]:
And then you got these other people that are saying, well, you know, I'm gonna stand a medication through the drugs because I wanna eat what I wanna eat. That's a lack of control. That's where you cannot control your animal desires. Welcome to the Health podcast, your guide to God's will for good health. Hello. My name is doctor Sal, and I've been a practicing doctor and surgeon for, well, for 30 years. And my goal for each episode is that you'll be able to have your mind transformed to God's design for good health as well as affect the way that you eat and the way that you live. If you're new here, we release a new episode every week.

Dr. Sal [00:00:56]:
And if you enjoy the content, would you please leave us a good review? It really helps our ratings and allows our show to reach out to more people and, in turn, help more people change their lives. We'd like to thank you for your support. And on today's episode, we're gonna be talking about what's it gonna take. That's right. What's it gonna take to change your ways? Jesus said, I love you. I hate your ways. So what are you gonna do to change your ways? Now what prompted me to talk about this on my show? Well, it's the new year, and everybody's coming up with their New Year's resolution. Wonderful.

Dr. Sal [00:01:46]:
I had never 90% of the people's new resolution is, I'm gonna get in shape. I'm gonna change my diet. I'm gonna lose the £50. You go to the gym right now, January February, the gyms are packed with people. And by March April, 90% of these people are gone. The gyms make out because, of course, you put your membership on a credit card, and all they do is they just, you know, charge every month. And then you keep saying, well, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.

Dr. Sal [00:02:19]:
I'm gonna go. Okay. To me, the gym is really not so much as important as it is what you eat. The last couple weeks, I met a 74, 76 year old lady who was working out. We started a conversation, and, she was saying some things about her health. And she says, well, I'm I'm on 6 different medications. I said, well, you know, you could change that by changing the way that you eat and diet. And, of course, I was introduced her to my podcast.

Dr. Sal [00:02:48]:
And she says, oh, no. No. No. No. I'm I'm not gonna give up my my sweets and my cookies and my, you know, my cupcakes. You know? I'll just keep taking the medications. And I'm thinking, you're taking 6 drugs that have side effects that can affect you later on in life. And it doesn't guarantee that it's gonna really improve your health because all you're doing is you're treating the disease and you're not restoring your health.

Dr. Sal [00:03:18]:
We start to see and we start to make this comparison and contrast. And I'm I'm gonna show you this video of this friend of mine by the name of Health. And Harry is 87 years old. And you see here, he's punching the heavy bag. Now he's 87 years old here, folks. Now Harry's got a 6 degree black belt in Shotokan, martial arts, and then he's got a 3rd degree in another form of martial arts. So he started off as a boxer, then he got into the martial arts. And so this is just a video with him with the gloves.

Dr. Sal [00:03:55]:
This this isn't the the karate video that have of him where he's actually kicking the heavy bag. 87 years old, and you could see how this man is hitting the heavy bag. Now you should see him in a gym and how much he's push needs weights for repetitions after repetition. And I said, Harry, what's his, you know, key to yours you know, what's his secret? He said to me, Sal, 70 years ago, when I walked into this gym, there was a gentleman by the name of Joe Weider. I said, Joe Weider's gym on the East Coast because here he's originally from New York. And he was saying now Joe Weeder at the time before Joe Weeder built up his bodybuilding empire in the International Federation of Bodybuilders and created the mister Olympia, he said he said, Harry, you gotta eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. So Harry picked up on this, and he's been living that lifestyle ever since. And so he was 17 years old, so that's 70 years ago that he started doing that.

Dr. Sal [00:04:59]:
Well, at that time, in American agriculture, foods were much more natural. They were untainted with all these pesticides and fungicides and herbicides and fertilizers, all these preservatives that they put in them, colors, and so forth. And and so he realized that eating fresh fruits and vegetables was just basically eating whole foods. So so there were no candy bars. He stayed away from all the excess sweets. Harry works out at the gym at 87, and he introduced me to his 80 year old wife who also works out. And, of course, she cooks these meals. Now they're out in Arizona, and, of course, now they shop at the Whole Foods and its Sprouts, which is another organic, food chain that they have down in the southwest.

Dr. Sal [00:05:51]:
He says that's all we eat is all everything is organic. They eat all whole foods. He says very rarely does he touch any alcohol, never smokes, and he works out. 87 years old, and you could see that in the video. This is an 87 year old man. He's not walking with the walker. He doesn't have any health issues where he's taking any medications. You know, this goes along with my mother and my aunt.

Dr. Sal [00:06:16]:
My mother is 84. My aunt's 86. It they don't take any medications, but they watch what they eat. They're cleaning their house. They're cleaning their garages. They're always physically active. So you start to see the lifestyle. We talk about how all of this stuff is genetics, and it's a bunch of baloney.

Dr. Sal [00:06:35]:
What's happened in recent years is the research industry has pumped a lot of money into identifying genetic disorders, and they've been, they've been coming shorthanded because as much as they're trying to manipulate the genes, they're not getting the results that they thought they're gonna get. A lot of these health disorders that we see, and there's about 32,000 of them, is pretty much metabolic. And the way to alter our metabolic processes, increase our metabolic rate is by the foods that we eat. It's not so much what you're saying comes out of your tongue or you're out of your mouth. It's so much as it is what you put in your mouth. So for a person to come up to me and so here's a comparison and contrast. You got Harry and other people like Jack Lane on one side, and then you got other people that are on medications. And they think that by going to the gym remember, exercising at the gym is only 15% of your health.

Dr. Sal [00:07:37]:
The rest of the 85 is what you put in your mouth. You gotta remember that if you wanna talk about environmental interaction with our body, it's one thing to put something through your IV. But when you ingest something by way of your mouth, you're taking something environmental on the outside and you're taking it and putting it inside your body, at which time your gastrointestinal system is the one that's breaking all this down and absorbing everything that you have in there. So you got chemicals, you got preservatives, you got pesticides, you got artificial coloring and artificial flavoring. These things our bodies were not designed to handle. God gave us a detoxifying system, yes, to work in an environment where we get exposed to natural mercury or natural tin or natural aluminum, but not stuff that's used in our vaccines or our injections or preservatives or in our cans and so forth. What's happened is is we've gotten a toxic overload. So we've gotta go back again to that's why I call the paleo diet God's diet because you're basically eating off the land and eating everything that's supposed to be the way God intended for us to eat them.

Dr. Sal [00:08:59]:
He didn't intend for us to eat meat that's got hormones or chickens that have inject you know, injected with steroids to build them up or to even stimulate more egg production. Fascinating. My father grew up on a farm. He said we used to get an egg once every 2, 3 dates from a chicken. Now you get 2, 3 eggs a day because they're pumping them with drugs. That's the stuff that we're taking in, folks. Plus, what's out there in the environment from an industrialized state, from the aluminum, from the mercury, from the lead, from the cadmium, everything that we put into our soil and put into the air as well as our water that we're consuming, our bodies are absorbing this. And, of course, that disrupts our natural gut bio, microbiome or the bacteria that should be there.

Dr. Sal [00:09:51]:
And then when that gets disrupted, causes leaky gut, and then it just turns into a a chain reaction of damage. So, again, we got Harry here making a choice, being in the Garden of Eden and saying, I'm not gonna eat this. I'm gonna eat what God wanted me to eat. And then you got these other people that are saying, well, you know, I'm gonna stand through the drugs because I wanna eat what I wanna eat. That's a lack of control. That's where you cannot control your animal desires. It comes down to discipline. God's d word is discipline.

Dr. Sal [00:10:32]:
Satan's d word is distraction. You know, Oh, I can have this. Well, this is once in a while. What's once in a while? Every 15 minutes or every half hour. You know, that's where this is where all of this confusion comes up is that we come up with these excuses all because we wanna satisfy this desire, this want, and we become incontinent with that. And what I mean by incontinent is that God has given us the power and the choice to live a better life, to improve our health, to actually enhance health. And so what we end up doing, we we subject reason to desire or rationality to impulse. And this is what I'm saying is is that if you have God in your life, if you are trying to be like Jesus, then you're rational.

Dr. Sal [00:11:30]:
You're thinking. And when you implement the discipline of saying, I'm not supposed to eat this, you are now using God's power to turn away from the stuff that makes you sick. So I wanna thank you for joining us on today's show, and forgive me for for these hiccups that I've had. I've been trying to get rid of them. But if you enjoyed this episode, please be sure should you leave us a good review, and visit our website and connect with us more on our social media accounts. If you happen to have any questions regarding your health regarding this episode, my email will be in the description below, and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions. We do carry a lot of, sources, and the sources are all, scientific either from science journals or medical journals into research. And you usually give a a list of that for every episode, but a lot of stuff that I talked about today, you could see it in pretty much a lot of the other other episodes that I presented before in the past.

Dr. Sal [00:12:39]:
With that, I'd like to thank you so much for joining us. I'm doctor Sal. Have a great day, and god bless.